The quest after our life purpose is the reason behind any spiritual path.
To discover it and allow it to happen is not easy.
It demands honesty and courage.
Just crossed a nice article called “Don’t date a mystic” by Alison Nappi.
The article examines a specific facet of the path to discover our life purpose, and if we really want it.
The choice of a partner and our life purpose
It is not easy to live with someone who sees through you.
A person who understands the deepest processes we go through and how we resist to see them, and surrender.
A seer who knows what our soul needs and what our real purpose is.
A partner who wouldn’t let you rest into your fears and wont let you justify your resistance to growth.
Answering the question about our willingness to live with such a person, also gives you the answer on the real question:
Are you willing to surrender to your life purpose, to the purpose which brought you to this incarnation?