by LuQ
(Katy, tx)

I met a guy today who was trying to buy stones from the place where I work.

Funny how destiny works but I wasn’t supposed to meet this guy because my work shift switched.

Anyway I found it really odd a guy would be interested in buying stones from the jewelry department.

So he kept saying many things I didn’t understand.

He seemed so exited about buying these stones and that he would make Them.

He showed me a couple of his work, and I found nothing pretty about them.

For helping him at the store he gave me a free orgonite which I picked that looked like a pyramid , along with a flyer with information.

So clueless I went home and did research that night about orgonite.

I saw a short clip on Wilhelm and started crying. I haven’t cried 4 any movie since years . I was moved by his work and efforts and especially the attempt to destroy his work .

Started to hold it and seeing how I feel.
I felt some power when I would hold it in my hand. I would feel it on my head and it gave me clarity of thought.

Then I started to tell my own family about it.

The first day I held it everywhere I went, like if it was a friend, pet or companion.

It’s strange like if there’s some faith in that little stone.

That night when all lights were out, I put it on top of my right hand (hand facing the sky).

The energy was enormous , felt also some heat radiating. I looked at the stone to see if it lit up, but no.

I’m pretty shocked by all this and now understand why that guy was so exited about buying stones.

I’m still so new to this and can’t wait to do more research and some other experiments with orgonite.

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