We have two different types of Orgone Domes.
Space Enhancer is the first one, it is our version of the tower buster(TB). Its size varies between 6 and 8 cm diameter, and 3 and 4 cm high.
Very effective next to electrical appliances, TV, microwave, computers,…
You can place four space enhancers as guardians at the four corners of the house, it will cover the whole house, keep it energetically clean and give it a high level of energy.
Placed in a room the dome’s influence will cover the whole space.
Applied on the body, it works as a pain reliever. The space enhancer is also effective next to plants.
The second type of dome is the Magic Dome, our version of the Holy Hand Grenade (HHG) invented by Don Croft.
It is larger than the Space Enhancer. It contains a double terminated quartz crystal in its center, and four copper wired single terminated quartz crystals at the base.
You can place Magic Domes at the four corners of your house as guardians if you have geopathy.
You should have one in the electricity box and one next to the water line. The magic dome is too strong for sleeping rooms.
Recommended for your office, especially if you have computers in it. Very effective to neutralize geopathic stress.
If you have any questions, contact us, or call us at 00-972-52-2314459
Enjoy !
Orgone Domes Space Enhancers
4 Domes Space Enhancers, 4 guardians Dome Shape 6cm diameter, 3cm high. Contains 3 or more different stones. Selenite, blue kyanite and pyrite powder. Flowers and herbs from Mt Carmel. Gold leaves, shiva eye shell, copper coil and metals.
Price: 320$
Price: 320$
Magic HHG Domes
Magic Dome Dome Shape 8cm diameter, 4cm high. Contains, turquoise, double terminated quartz crystal, three white quartz crystals at the back side. Selenite, blue kyanite and pyrite powder. Flowers and herbs from Mt Carmel. 24K Gold leaves and metals.
Magic Dome Dome Shape 8cm diameter, 4cm high. Contains, ametyst as center stone, three white quartz crystals at the back side, turquoise. Selenite, blue kyanite and pyrite powder. Flowers and herbs from Mt Carmel. 24K Gold leaves and metals.
In our store now!
The form below is to order a personal Space Enhancer or Magic Dome made with intent especially for you!
Your personal orgone device made with intent for you!
Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.