Welcome to Lightstones special deals page!
If you are interested to stay up to date with bulk offers and wholesale prices on our Orgone store, you have come to the right place.
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Since we are refreshing our Lightstones Orgone Store before the solstice 2015, we are offering a discount of 10% on all orders.
This sale of the year will be available until march 21.
The coupon code to fill in at checkout is “10%christmas2015”
Hope you will enjoy this occasion to orgonize your home and family:)
All our products are intended for well being and health.
For your personal well being, we suggest to wear an Orgone device on you.
To enhance your home and environment and protect it from harmful energies and EMF, it is suggested to place 4 Orgone Guardians at the four corners of your space, or a large central piece at the center of your home, and a smaller device in each room.
The best way to choose a Lightstone is to listen to your body’s reaction and sensations while looking at the pictures.
Don’t hesitate to consult us by e-mail if you find it difficult to make your choice, we will guide you with love:)
10 Chakras Harmonizers, rectangular shape
10 Chakras Harmonizers, vesica pisces
10 Lightdrop Orgone Pendants
10 Golden Spiral Orgone Pendants
10 Mobile Orgone Devices, rectangular
10 Personal Protection Pendants
10 Orgone Pocket Devices
10 Multi purpose Orgone Toruses
5 Mandala Orgone Pendants
4 HHG Orgone Pyramids
Lightstones Testimonials
Aloha Ori
I just received the pendant and its truly a work of angelic art
thank you soo much for this beautiful lightstone i am certainly going to be getting more love filled pieces very soon
have a wonderful day! Namaste
My dearest Ori
Here they are, and exactly the way I wanted, thank you once more for your marvellous work.
Hello……I just wanted to thank-you again for this wonderful
orgone pendant. I have not had a headache since I put this pendant on,
and I was plagued by daily headaches, almost constant headaches. You are
a true light worker! Thank-you!
Thanks so much —
I love mine, I wore it yesterday and I was breathing better and I could
feel my heart opening! Simply amazing, thank you for sharing your gift
with all of us.