by Brittany Waller

Golden spiral orgone pendant with turquoise and ametyst, by Lightstones

Golden spiral orgone pendant with turquoise and ametyst, by Lightstones

Golden spiral orgone pendant with turquoise and ametyst, by Lightstones Golden spiral orgone pendant with Shiva Eye shell, made by Lightstones

I have always been intuitive (at least that’s what the folks tell me), but lost it along the way.

Now i’m practicing more than I have ever been.

I can read energies and can give information about objects and people past present or future, I can feel energies of the deceased and I’m very close with my spirit guides.

Before I was extremely depressed and my therapist told me to get more in touch with my spiritual side because it is so important to me.

I started meditating and practicing with my crystals and other things like types of healing I’ve been trying on myself like the theta healing.

Then I found your site and fell in love with the Lightstone!

There is so much useful information!

My Aura is like a sponge and soaks up every energy it comes across, My Aura has been damaged by passed trauma’s and I wasn’t able to properly protect myself, so I bought a Lightstone for my birthday and was so excited when I got it just a couple days ago!

At first it seems like a heavy burden or…well I can’t describe it and I had to take it off! Hang it up for a while…is that normal?

But after leaving it on the wall for a day, I felt it was ok to put it on like I could relax to it.

There is huge change!!

I feel a lot more protected and I feel all of the negative energy gets transformed into positive energy.

I can focus a lot better in my material life as well as my spiritual Energies are so much more clear.

When I read people I am able to focus a lot more but stay protected.

I’m sure this will not be the last stone I buy, I just got it so i’m sure some wonderful things will manifest.

I’m so happy with it!!

Thank you so much for all your work and the information you provide!!

I still have a ways to go before i can meet my full potential but you certainly helped me get half way there!

I get so many compliments on it and so many great conversations so thank you keep up the good work

with love

Brittany Waller

Comments for Thank you for my Lightstone

Jul 29, 2015 Great post
by: Anonymous These stones look too attractive. I am always attracted to them and have a bought a lot of them. My friends also have a habit of collecting these stones.

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