Cutting ties of dependence with other people.
Every relationship we have with another creates energetic ties of dependence between us and the other.
Those ties operate on the subconscious level and drain the relationship, they are the unhealthy parts in the relationship and create dependence on the other.
Even after we break up from a partner, those ties continue to operate and influence us and the way we feel for the other.
The following meditation is intended to cut those ties and transform the energy they drain from our system into available energy.
Cutting ties of dependence
Sit down, comfortably.
Concentrate on your breath
Relax your body
With each exhale, relax another part of your body…from feet to the head
Take your time.
Then center yourself in your heart
Invite angels, guides, beings of light, ascended masters…whoever you feel comfortable with, to assist you in the process
I usually work with Archangel Michael
When you feel ready….invite the person you intend to cut ties from in front of your minds’ eyes
Ask to see the ties attached to your body and to the other.
Look at them, with acceptation
Raise your arms, holding an imaginary sword of light.
And when you feel ready
Cut the ties with a sharp exhale and a rapid movement down.
Repeat three times
Then imagine a cauldron containing boiling water on a fire
Look at the damp evaporating from the cauldron
Ask your guides to clean the residues of the ties and throw them in the cauldron
As them to take care of and heal the wounds where the ties were attached to the body
Witness them healing you
Witness the boiling cauldron transforming the ties
Wait for the symbol of the transformation to raise out of the caldron
It can be anything, a crystal, a mandala, …anything
When you see the symbol….take it into your body and auras
Witness how your body receives the blessings of the transformation
Thank your guides for their presence and support
You will see how this liberating work will influence the relationship to the other person
This work can be done concerning any relationship that brings down your frequency
A great help to keep our relationships clean and flowing <3