Chi practice, tuning into your body

A daily Chi Practice is important in order to keep a harmonious, continuous chi flow in our body.
A daily practice is preventive medecine
When we are worried and stressed, we send frequencies of fear and insecurity through our body.
The natural reaction of the body is to protect itself. By tensing the muscles that are related to self protection, for example, the back and shoulder muscles.
In order to restore the energy flow, we need to learn release those tensions.
You will find very effective relaxation techniques here. These techniques will help you release tensions.
But, the real work is in everyday life, you’ll be more aware of the fact that you tense muscles that you don’t really need right now, you’ll watch yourself doing it, and each time you will catch yourself tensing an unnecessary muscle, you will learn to relax it. This way you will slowly, slowly build yourself new habits.
The following video, offers a basic daily chi practice, inviting you to tune into your body and initiate a new way to relate to your body, learn its language and become a present, loving, trusting companion.
Our connection to our body is in fact the inner alchemical wedding. It is in fact the only companionship that will always be there in this incarnation. And to fulfill our purpose in this plane, we need to live in peace with our vehicle.
These exercises will teach you how to feel your inner chi flow and open blockages.
Hope you enjoy!
Please suscribe to my youtube channel to make sure you don’t miss out.
For those who wish to go deeper and enhance the experience, feel free to contact me about workshops. I am preparing a program on Patreon wih daily practices. Soon to be announced here.