

White Magic Way

White Magic Way to well being, health and self empowerment.

White Magic is the wisdom of connecting to the flow of life force energy, and directing it with pure intent in the spirit of truth.

Becoming a humble co-creator with life itself.

White Magic is the wisdom of living with heart.

Using our intent to raise the level of energy in and around us.

It connects us the universe, to heaven and earth…to the stars.

Happiness is a level of energy.

White magic way, Lightstones Orgone

White magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural or powers or spells for selfless purposes.

This site is not about White Magic spells, it is about self empowerment and awareness to the magic of being alive….now!

It offers you simple tools and techniques to enhance your personal level of energy, and experience life energy in your daily life.

These techniques presented here, will enable you to connect to your inner power, feel chi energy, transform your home into a sacred space, and become more aware of subtle energies.

With practice you will be more centered, relaxed and connected, using intuition and intention in daily life.

Chi, Orgone, Prana, Life

Chi energy or life energy has always been my main interest.

During twenty years of Tai-Chi practice and teaching, I have learned to feel the energy flow, and to work with it, always for well being and health.

I have applied this knowledge in architecture, and in the creation of chi flow enhancers or orgone energy devices, that I have called “Lightstones”.

From my home on Mt Carmel in Israel, where Elijah the Prophet wandered, where it is said that Jesus learned and lived with the Esenian cave dwellers, I create Orgone Devices and jewellry called Lightstones,  for daily wear and environmental use.

They are designed to enhance life energy flow, create balance and harmony.

All the techniques described here at White Magic Way have guided me on my path, since the first time that I have felt life energy, at the age of 25.

Soul movement

It has been almost 3 decades now that I practice and teach Tai Chi Chuan, representing the international school of the “Art of Chi” in Israel.

Together with this deep energy body work, I have met and learned different shamanic disciplines over the years.

Geomancy connected me with the spirit of earth.

Heart meditation and dream work, taught me the depth of the soul.

Plant teachers and chanting, showed me the deep transformation available to humans coming to this plane.

With the years, these different branches of knowledge have merged into new teachings that I have called Soul Movement.

Soul Movement

An encounter with tools and techniques from the world of Chi Kung and Tai chi, in order to bring the body in alignment, opening up a connection to spirit.

When our body is in the right posture, in alignment between earth and sky, the mind can release control.

When we feel the Chi energy in and around us, are connected to our center (Hara, Tantien) and our breathe is deep and effortless; we can reach a state of “not doing”.

Chi energy can flow through our body and create a movement, a dance which is a result of complete surrender.

It is in this state that resistance melts and deep healing can occur.

Human Design

Being an eternal student at the university of life, my encounter with Human Design and Astrology, a few years ago, opened the doors to new realms that I am eagerly exploring these days. Expect fresh content very soon about this amazing knowledge.

Human Design and Astrology have become an important part in my work as personal guide for self empowerment.

Those who wish to have a Human Design basic reading on Skype are warmly invited to contact me at

The way of the heart has brought synchronicity into my life and I am grateful to have always found the “right teacher” at the “right time”.

It is my wish that you will find here what your heart is seeking for.

Welcome and thank you for your presence!

Lightstones, White Magic Way Creations

white magic way, lightstones orgone

Lightstones are beautiful, hand made sculptures designed to enhance and balance flow of energy in your life.  

Each completely unique Lightstone is designed to aid you in one or more specific ways.

They are intended to aid in developing and maintaining an abundant level of positive energy.

Historically and traditionally some names for this energy are Chi, Prana and Orgone. Many spiritually advanced cultures throughout history have named and actively developed uses for this infinite natural force.

When a person integrates a constant, balanced flow of this energy into all one is and does, the effect is subtle but profound.

Our vision

Here at Lightstones, we create our products with the intent to help you in strengthening your immune system, to shield against the adverse effects of EMF radiation, dissipate emotional negativity, and to help you connect and maintain the connection to your higher spiritual self.

By wearing, actively using or placing a Lightstone in your environment, you will enjoy a higher state of security and vitality.

Each Stone, created with natural elements in the purest raw form, can function in many ways. A suggested list of these is provided with each product, along with detailed instructions for the most common uses.

For those that have a special need or challenge, we understand. Please remember that we love to take special requests and have many years experience in producing custom work here in our studio on sacred Mount Carmel, Israel.

At Lightstones you will find everything you need to make the energy in your life, and the lives of your loved ones shine!

Frequency painting PEACE, by Ori

This website is alive, it grows and changes all the time, come back often to stay up-to-date:) and….Experience a Positively Radiant Energy Flow, the White Magic Way!


Tantien , Center of Energy in our Body

Tantien or Dantian in China and Hara in Japan,  is the center of our energy body and physical body.

It is located in the lower belly, more or less 2 cm lower than the navel, in the middle, inside.

leonardodavinci, tantien, center of energy in our body

It is the gravity center of the body and the inner energy pump.

Our heart is the blood pump in our body, and our tantien the chi energy pump.

This center can be used as a tool, as an inner hand, to make the chi or life energy flow in the body, to concentrate your chi energy, to protect yourself, and to find the right posture.

My Master Vlady Stevanovitch , describes in one of his books how being centered in his Tantien, saved his life during the second world war.

In his book he describes a scene that can give an image on how being centered can change events in sometimes miraculous ways.

Before leaving his Master to go and join the resistance, his master wanted to check if he is ready and asked him to stand and concentrate in his Tantien.

After a while his Master took a glass of water and threw the water in his direction.

At the same moment a violent wind opened the window and blew all the water aside, not even one drop of water touched him.

Centered in your Tantien

When someone is centered, he has a different light in his eyes, a different presence.

He is rooted, and connected to the earth and sky,  powerfully anchored.

When you are centered, it feels as if you have an inner hand that holds the axis of the body between earth and sky.

The entire body organizes itself easily around this central axis, the muscles can be released of their tensions.

Imagine , a hand in your belly a little lower then the navel, in the middle inside, that you slowly close into a fist, hold it strongly.

It might feel as a contraction.

Open and close this hand a few times and listen to your sensations.

After a few times, you will start to feel a presence there, imagine it is a ball, a little heavy ball inside your belly, your Tantien!

Try to smile with your tantien.

Try to talk bringing up the sound from your Tantien, you will be astonished to hear it is a totally different voice.

When you cough or laugh, you can easily feel how it jumps in your belly.

If you are very sensitive, there is no need to contract it strongly in order to feel it, try to feel it by closing this inner hand softly.

I like to imagine that it is a Pearl held between two fingers.

I say strongly just to feel it for the first time.

Later you will be able to do it very softly and still control it.

As if it is a Pearl held between two fingers.

In fact it is enough to direct your attention there in order to feel it.

You can connect to it and control it with your intent, but the feeling is as if it is a muscle.

There are many ways to use it:

You can contract it with your exhale and release it with your inhale, when breathing in the lower belly.

You can contract it with your inhale and release it with your exhale, when breathing into your lungs.

You can contract it and hold it without connecting it to your breath.

In fact it is possible to have it slightly contracted all day long, you will feel rooted and it will keep you in the right posture.

When the Tantien is slightly contracted, the upper part of the body can lean on it and all the muscles around the shoulders, neck and upper back can be relaxed.

There are many different chi techniques with different variations, once you feel how to connect to your Tantien and use it to regulate your chi flow.

It is the center of control and regulation of chi or life energy in your body.

Any practice of martial art or work with energy requires the connection to the center and the ability to use it.

As for any skill, this can be acquired by regular exercise and attention.

The Tantien is the main and basic tool to all chi techniques.

The Chinese Masters also call it the “alchemical chaldron” because this is the place where the chi is purified before it is sent back to flow in the body.

If you are not connected to your Hara, working with chi energy can be dangerous.

The Tantien is the anchor, it is the only place in the body where it is safe to gather energy.

Accumulation or stagnation of chi anywhere else in the body is a result of resistance, and is painful.

As we already said, the chi must flow freely, and regularly, not too slow and not too fast.

Sometimes when you practice chi techniques it causes the chi to suddenly flow too fast, it can make you feel dizzy or give you headache.

Contracting your center will instantly slow the flow and balance it.

Each time you contract you Tantien, you bring back the chi energy there.

It is important to be able to do this easily before starting to practice any other chi technique or tantra.

Basic technique to connect and feel your Tantien

Sit down.

Place your fingers on your belly at the height of the hara, 2cm under the navel.

Breath in and push your fingers away from your belly with your muscles.

Breath out, the muscles that pushed your fingers out relax, and let the fingers go inside the soft muscles towards the center.

Let your exhales and the movement inside be longer than the inhale.

At the end of the long exhales, feel a contraction, in the center, inside your belly.

Stay there, a bit, until you feel the need to inhale again.

Then, with the next inhale, push your fingers away from the center again.

When you start to control the movement of the muscles, out and back in, you can remove your fingers.

Pushing your Tantien forward in your lower belly with the inhale and bringing it back to the center with the exhale, is the basic exercise for all the inner techniques of chi.

Practice this one as much as you can and your Tantien will become stronger and more present from day to day.

I suggest to practice relaxation techniques and to put your attention on your Tantien once your body is relaxed.

It will enhance your sensations and make it easier for you to feel the density of the Tantien and how it can create waves and easily fill a relaxed body with chi.

Just feel it is the center, and start breathing from there, let your Tantien fill your body with each inhale and take everything back to the center with each exhale.

After a few times you will notice your body has lost its borders, it has become a cloud that grows with each inhale and contracts with each exhale.

A breathing cell, expanding and contracting at the pace of the breath.

Always end the relaxation with a few long exhales, bringing back all your energy to your center, before coming back!

Here is another breathing technique to practice.

The most important is to always be conscious of your center, make it part of your life and attention, as your hands are.

It will take your presence away from your mind that most of the time disturbs more than helps.

It will bring you closer to a state called “no mind”, well known by all martial arts practitioners.

When you are connected and centered all your body organizes itself around it, it transforms your posture and your presence.

And it is the root for the flower to open at the heart level, your chest can be wide open because it has something strong to lean on.

Since it is your gravity center, it connects you to all gravity centers in the universe.

It opens the possibility to the body to be strong and efficient with a minimum of effort.

Makes you powerful, calm and rooted.

Brings you to the only place that really exists: here and now!

Join us for a 5 days Tai Chi Chuan retreat at the Sacred Valley in Peru!

Sign up for Tai Chi Retreat at the Sacred Valley in Peru, December 2016

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    Let your Tantien be your best friend!


    Castaneda’s Magical Passes

    Magical Passes or Tensegrity, lately released to the large public by Carlos Castaneda, is a discipline intended to gather the dispersed energy at the edge of our energy body and bring it back to the vital centers.

    These are very powerful exercises that can help us enhance our level of energy easily.

    The movements have been set up by seers, who could see the flow of energy and the energetic reaction created by the movement.

    One of the natural results of a daily tensegrity practice is an important energy enhancement and a slow down of the aging process, although this was not the goal of the sorcerers who created the movements.

    Every one can learn and practice those exercises.

    It is suggested to practice daily in order to feel the results of the practice in daily life.

    As we said, somewhere else on this site, start small!

    Start with 5 minutes a day, then add 5 more minutes after a few weeks, and then again until you have built a solid daily practice.

    Here you will find all the Passes that exist on video.

    The three amazing women on the videos are called Chacmools.

    They are the recipients of Castaneda’s knowledge and an example of Impeccable Warriors.

    “To walk the full length of a path that one truly loves, don Juan said, one needs the passion, courage, imagination, vigilance, discipline, self-awareness, grace, strength, resourcefulness, efficiency, patience, adaptability, and humbleness of a navigator.

    This is what the Tensegrity® practitioners aspire to: The spirit of the navigator, the being who makes the continuous commitment to travel the path of awareness every moment. The struggle of the navigator is not with one’s fellow men, don Juan said. Nor is it with oneself. And it’s ultimately not a struggle. Rather, it’s an acquiescence—to the energetic currents of the sea of awareness in the universe.

    Don Juan said that the seers of his line maintained that the universe is a sea of energy—energy that is in constant change. And that the most functional thing one can do, rather than attempt to fight or resist that continuous change, is to join forces with it—an endeavor that takes a navigator’s discipline.”

    Magical passes: the audiobook

    I have gathered all the videos below where Castaneda’s students show the practice.

    Have a good time, enjoy every minute of your practice!

    Magical Passes, unbending Intent

    Carlos Castaneda’s Tensegrity Vol 1

    Carlos Castaneda’s Tensegrity Vol 2

    Carlos Castaneda’s Tensegrity Vol 3

    Magical Passes, Nyei Murez, student of Carlos Castenada

    Reni Murez on the work of Carlos Castaneda

    webinar with Renata Murez Carlos Castaneda tensegrity the path to impeccability in relationships

    For those who want to go deeper into the practice

    Castaneda’s students are keeping up with the transmission of their discipline. There are workshops you can join. Find more information on their website.


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    Enhance Chi Energy Flow in Your Body

    Chi Energy needs your body to be relaxed to flow freely through it.

    Tension stops the flow.

    Some tensions result from hard physical work, some are from continuous stress.

    tai chi practice, chi energy, white magic way

    When we are worried and stressed, we send frequencies of fear and insecurity through our body. The natural reaction of the body is to protect itself. How? By tensing the muscles that are related to self protection, for example, the back and shoulder muscles.

    The first thing to do in order to restore the energy flow, is to release those tensions. You will find very effective relaxation techniques here. These techniques are what you start with and need to practice for a while.

    But, the real work is in everyday life, you’ll be more aware of the fact that you tense muscles that you don’t really need right now, you’ll watch yourself doing it, and each time you will catch yourself tensing an unnecessary muscle, you will relax it. This way you will slowly, slowly build yourself new habits.

    Then, one day, you will suddenly feel that you are relaxed, much more than a year or two or three ago, not totally yet, but the energy flows much better already through your body. And probably it will make you feel happy!

    Once you are aware of this and do the everyday work of releasing tensions as much as you can, you can start using your chi power center.

    Tantien, center of chi energy

    This center, called Tantien, hara or the alchemy chaldron, is the geometric and gravity center of your body and also your chi pump.

    The Hara pumps life energy in and sends out clean, fresh chi energy to all parts of the body.

    Your power center is kind of an energetic heart; it has the same function for the energy as your heart has for the blood circulation.

    Once you feel the Hara and know how to relax your body you are ready for the right posture. Which is a key element to enhance the flow of chi in your body.

    When you start integrating the three elements -relaxation, hara and the right posture- you are ready to feel energy. Everyone can feel energy. Our hands are highly sensitive antennas. You only need to wake them up and they will tell you about chi.

    And when you are fully attentive, centered and relaxed, sitting in the right posture, your breath slows down, and becomes deeper by itself with no effort.

    Breathing is a key word for well being, and with time i will describe several breathing techniques on the site here.

    Find your Chi Energy practice

    The tools mentioned above (which I intend to develop further) are basics for many different practices and disciplines, you can use them doing meditation, tai-chi, dance or sport. You have to find what your discipline is, the one you will practice with passion and enthusiasm, the one that best suits the needs of your body and soul.

    So where were we? Relax, connect to your center, keep the right posture, feel, breathe…so many things to do?! I’m already tired when I think about it! That brings us to our daily practice.

    Relax! Take your time. After all, it took us many years to build our bad habits, it will take us some time to be perfect beings again, and the journey is more important than the target.

    Build yourself a solid practice that won’t fade away after two weeks. The best way to lose energy, is to take decisions you can’t stand behind. Stand behind your decisions, your level of energy will rise.

    So, how do I start? Small, start small! This is the secret of small decisions! Start with five minutes a day for two weeks, or one month, then add five more minutes for a couple of weeks, and so on until…after a few months you will practice daily for maybe half an hour, and you will enjoy every minute!

    You can keep your half hour for years until you will have more time. The length of your daily practice doesn’t really matter. The most important is that you stand behind your decisions, and raise your level of energy by doing that.

    Here is a good website with a lot of information about work with chi.

    Dance, walk, move…get happy!

    This might sound heavy and too hard for you, learn and practice for so long before seeing results, maybe you need something that works immediately, something that enhances your chi flow and brings joy into your life.

    Move, Walk, laugh, Dance! Dance everyday, party at home every morning and bring joy into your body and soul!

    Life energy book store. The greatest books about life energy!

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    What Other Visitors Shared abut  Chi Energy

    Saved from addiction
    I used to be a drug addict and I almost died from the poison, I had to totally let go of my former self. It took a few years and alot of work, but I saved …

    Daily Meditation
    Before, I was a VERY depressive guy with social anxiety, I was absolutely AFRAID to speak with people, I was sweating a lot of in stress moment, I was …

    the wonders of chi
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    Stretching and Meditation
    After surfing through the Internet reading countless articles on meditation techniques and breathing, and combining that with my nightly routine of yoga …I feel amazing

    I found power.
    You must blend your chi with plasma if you wish for it to become physical. So far I can make a weak ball of force in between my palms.

    Jon Hart
    Thank you for the wisdom and advice you give on your site.

    My Energy
    yesterday i felt my body getting strong and not feeling any stress, it maybe the cause of my daily meditation,i usually meditate for 20 minutes per session …


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    Allow Chi Energy Flow in Our Body

    A continuous and steady Chi Energy Flow in our body is the key to health and well being.

    chi energy flow in the human body

    Chi energy must flow freely, when it flows too fast it is dispersed and the result is lack of chi, when it flows to slowly, the result is stagnation. Both, lack or stagnation of chi are the origin of illness.

    To understand how chi energy flows, the best example to watch in nature is how water flows, how it creates its path, what makes it stagnate or flow too fast.

    Water always chooses the easiest way to flow. When water meets a small rock, it will flow around it, when it meets a huge rock on its course it will stagnate, if the path is a straight line it will flow too fast.

    Now what makes the chi energy flow stagnate in our body? First and most important: our thoughts and mood! What are your thoughts about your body? Do you appreciate it, do you allow it into well being? Do you allow constant healing to your body? Do you trust your body? Do you have negative beliefs concerning your body? Do you consider your body as a friend or enemy?

    What is your mood generally? Heavy or light? Pessimistic or optimistic? Happy or depressed?

    Are you stressed or overwhelmed?

    Muscular tensions and bad postures are direct result of negative thoughts, they are indicators of our resistance to well being, and are the origin of energy stagnation and illness.

    To release muscular tensions, we need to be attentive and aware to the fact that we are tensed, when we are aware that our shoulders, for example, are tensed we can release the tensions by deciding it or by practicing daily relaxations, another way to release the tensions is massage. In our daily lives we get tensed all the time for many different reasons, our lives are full of stress, this fills our inner rivers with huge rocks. It is important to become aware of how and when we get tensed. What are the thoughts that we think that create tensions and resist well being?

    The right posture and Chi energy flow

    The other element that creates stagnation of chi energy flow is our posture, since our childhood we have developed habits and ways to use our body, to stand, walk or sit, not all of these are right.

    Some of our postures and ways to use our body need to be corrected in order to restore a healthy and balanced chi flow. To change our posture needs full attention, we need to observe and feel our posture when we stand, walk, sit, eat, watch TV or work.

    If our lower back is arched when we stand our walk, it creates a stagnation of chi energy in our pelvis and is the origin of back aches.

    If we hold our head with our chin away from the throat, we create a chi stagnation around the shoulders and upper back. These two are the main bad habits almost all of us have, but there are many other habits we have that we need to become aware of.

    Each time our attention drifts away with our thoughts we do things with our body without even feeling it.

    Our body needs full time attention to change our bad habits into good ones, it asks us to be aware of our posture minute after minute, all the time, this is the real work!

    Every time you caught yourself in a bad posture, correct it until your body will learn the correct posture.

    The practice of Tai-Chi, Pilates or Yoga may help you correct your posture and teach your body good habits faster, but the real work is to be attentive, as much as you can, and correct yourself all the time.

    There are no tricks or secrets, and don’t believe those who will tell you there are.

    To have a balanced and healthy chi energy flow in your body, just be attentive to your body as much as you can. It starts with a decision!

    Every time you notice your chin is away from your throat, stretch your neck, every time you notice that your lower back is arched make it round again.

    When you correct your posture, you will instantly feel a wave of warm energy filling your shoulders and back, and it will make you smile…until one day you will feel your body does it by itself, your body has learned the right posture again!

    Also, if you want to attain physical well being, it is time to consider your body as a friend, a partner. Your body hears and listens to your thoughts and its goal is to serve you! Trust it!

    Here is a very interesting conference given by Esther Hicks, channeling an infinite intelligence called Abraham, about the Medicine of the Future,emotional medecine!.

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    What Other Visitors Have Said

    Qigong practice and energy flow
    Hi, anyone who is interested in the ancient Chinese art of Qigong. I have been practicing Qigong for three years and can testify that it is the single …

    Chi is low
    HI white magic…. as a reiki master i practice reiki quite abundantly since 1999… the past few months though, i noticed my Chi is quite low… i connect …

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